Luxe Pest Control
Flea Control
Long Island Flea Control Services
As with many pests, by the time you see them, the damage is already done. If you see fleas on your pet, they have already shed hundreds or even thousands of eggs all over your carpets and throughout the house. Call Luxe Pest Control to take care if your flea infestation and protect your home, family, and pets from these disease-carrying pests.
Fleas are parasites that feed on blood and seem to prefer humans, cats, dogs, rats, and other rodents. Fleas can jump up to 8 inches high and are usually found on shoes, pant legs, or blankets.
Fleas transmit the bacterium Yersinia pestis from rats to humans; and therefore are required for the transmission of bubonic plague, which caused the deaths of as many as 25 million people during the 14th Century.
Fleas transmit murine typhus.
Fleas are hosts to Dipylidium caninum, or tapeworms, as they are more commonly known. Dogs, cats, other pets, or humans who accidentally swallow an infected flea can develop a tapeworm infection.
Fleas can cause painful rashes, especially in sensitive individuals. These rashes may become infected when the affected individual scratches them.
Fleas can live for about 100 days.
Fleas do not fly. They jump from one place to another.
A pair of fleas can produce 400-500 offspring in their lifetime.
Adult fleas lay all of their eggs (up to 50 per day) on the pet. However, the eggs soon fall off the animal into carpeting, beneath the cushions of furniture, and wherever else the pet rests, sleeps, or spends most of its time.
After hatching, flea eggs develop into tiny, worm-like larvae. They remain hidden deep in carpet fibers, beneath furniture cushions, and in other protected areas. The larvae feed mainly on adult flea feces (dried blood) which accumulates, along with the eggs, in pet resting and activity areas.
Before becoming adult fleas, the larvae transform into pupae within a silk-like cocoon. Pupae remain inside the cocoon for 2 to 4 weeks, sometimes longer. The cocoon is resistant to insecticides and this is why some adult fleas are seen for an extended period, even after the home and pet are treated.
Fleas are a Health Hazard to your Family and Pets
Fleas are not only an itchy nuisance but may also be a disease risk for you and your pets. Cats and dogs can develop mild to severe flea allergy dermatitis, flea bite anemia, and internal parasites like tapeworms. People, especially children, are sometimes exposed to the parasites through interaction with flea-infested pets.
Sources of fleas include used rugs and upholstered furniture, as well as other animals, whether they are visiting your home, at a dog run, a kennel, or even a pet daycare center. Adult fleas jump onto a new host either from an infested animal or from the areas where an infested animal rests. In a yard, moist and shaded soil in warm weather is attractive both to fleas and their hosts. Once on a pet, an adult flea burrows to the skin, bites the animal to get a good blood meal, and then settles in to reproduce.
For pets that spend time indoors and outdoors, you need to treat your property as well as the inside of your home. To help avoid fleas, you should do the following:
Clean and vacuum frequently.
Keep your yard clean of garbage and pet droppings.
Protect pets by keeping them on a leash when outside, give them lots of baths, give them monthly flea and tick treatments and take them to the vet at least once a year to make sure they haven’t been infested.
Inspect your pet when coming inside, especially after activities like going to a dog run or hiking through wooded areas.
Signs of a Flea Infestation
Scratching - Probably the top indicator that your cat or dog may have fleas is excessive scratching. Bites irritate dogs and cats which is why they scratch or bite the areas.
Hair Loss - Sudden hair loss in pets could be a sign of fleas. Some of this is caused by your cat or dog constantly scratching and biting at spots where they are getting bitten.
Welts or Red irritated Skin - Flea bites can cause small stinging sensations. But they jump around so much, you’d never likely catch the little critter mid-bite. If you begin to notice tiny little bumps, consider checking for fleas.
Ankle Bites - Besides bites on your pets, you may find bites around the feet and ankles of your kids or other family members. One way to detect fleas in your house is to throw on a pair of white cotton socks and walk around.
Pale Gums - When you suspect your animal may have fleas, check their gums. Because fleas feed on your pets’ blood, they are at risk of anemia. Anemia basically means a reduced amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin in your pets’ bloodstream.
Flea Dirt - Small red-brown or black specks on your pet or around your home may be a sign of fleas. While it could be typical dirt or dust, it’s important to inspect.
Flea Eggs on the Carpet - Another way to gauge if your home has become a playground for fleas is to check the carpet for eggs. Fleas lay their eggs on the carpet because it provides a relatively safe space for them.
Restlessness - In addition to scratching, your pet is likely to become restless if they have fleas. Any sudden change in demeanor is cause for concern.
Contact Luxe Pest Control Today
You do not want to mess around with fleas. At the first sign of fleas give us a call. We will eradicate your current infestation and set up regular visits to keep them from returning.